My idea of a perfect school is a school that lets you learn at your own pace, but in a sort of way that pushes you to move at a good pace that will help you keep moving and encouraged to stay in school and learn and have a good future. I think this would include a normal class environment that being like 28+ some odd students and a teacher that runs the class but does not make you do things so that the students have the opportunity to learn on their own and do what needs to be done in their own way instead of being made to do things a certain way.
     In this modern day society students are being taught one specific way which is not always the best idea when in different circumstances, different people would need their own personal ideas which might have been taken from them due to the lack of diverseness (if that's a word) in learning in schools. They are all being taught based on the idea that one specific way to do a certain thing is always the best way and this is certainly not true because everybody is different, and it NEEDS to show.
     I really think this needs to change so that the world can and will be more diverse with different ideas from so many different people all around the world, and that would definitely make the world a better place.
Today in FFP we watched a 45 minute documentary on underemployment of the youth in Canadian society. Approximately 67% of all students who graduate college or university don't find a job in their field within the first year of graduation. This means that 1 in 3 people who graduate successfully from university or college will be able to find a job that suits their field of training within 1 year of school ending. I think if old people keep on retiring too late, the new generations will be poor and all left without jobs and it will ruin the economy.
In our class, FFP, we all had to write poems and present them, i'm pretty shy and i hate presenting things that are mine in front of my peers so i did really bad on the presenting part,
Mr. Kemp told me to write a blog about media selection like what kinds of movies people like and why do they like it. I think this is an interesting topic and I think that it's going to be related to all kinds of things.
     First off, I think it would be related to your parents and how they teach and raise you. Also this could be what they allow you to watch and what they would watch themselves or with you and your family. If a child is raised not being allowed to watch scary movies or movies that are rated too high for their age, then they will likely not watch those movies a lot later in life or just not even care for them at all.
     Secondly, I Think peer pressure and friends have a lot to do with this as well because everybody knows that children and teens are more likely than not to be influenced by their friends especially if they don't know who they are, are insecure about themselves, or have just given up on trying to be their own self. I think the factor of having friends is the most true reason for people to watch what they watch and like what they watch.
     Lastly, I think that people themselves, if they know who they are and aren't easily influenced by others, like the media that they do simply because they find it interesting or appealing to themselves. I think this is a good trait to have because people who know themselves and what they want to do with their life early, generally do better in everything they seem fit to be of importance in their lives.
Near the beginning of the semester (about a month into second semester) we were told to read a book and present things about the book to the class. I just recently finished my book i was reading (Eragon) and found that it was long and somewhat challenging to read as some words were not in the English language but I did like the book and do recommend it . I did watch the movie and thought that it was really rushed and not very good. So, if you want to read or watch it, read the whole series first (4 books) because the movie will disappoint you.

This is the second year of our simulated country, and has gone by quickly, even though we have fixed some things, not all the laws were followed by government or citizen. This is a problem as to improve we need to recognize these mistakes and fix them, like how not all the bills have been passed in both first and second year. A few new parties are forming to try to help run our third year in Zugzwang but again, the same problems keep occurring like not building another power plant or farm, and not being able to evenly distribute all of the food and power and extra units needed for survival, because there are too many people that need too many things. This next year i hope we will have things more organized with more trustworthy leaders running our house of commons who can actually bring about our problems in our country and fix them as opposed to the last 2 years of our country where so many things have been missed and unnoticed. Let's hope this third year will be more prosporous with less deaths and laws broken 

    Lachlan Bayne

    likes romantic dinners and long walks on the beach, also likes cuddling on a bed of roses with his chihuahua. His favourite colour is hot pink, the colour of his smart car. He loves rainbows and fairies and unicorns.


    May 2013
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