This is the second year of our simulated country, and has gone by quickly, even though we have fixed some things, not all the laws were followed by government or citizen. This is a problem as to improve we need to recognize these mistakes and fix them, like how not all the bills have been passed in both first and second year. A few new parties are forming to try to help run our third year in Zugzwang but again, the same problems keep occurring like not building another power plant or farm, and not being able to evenly distribute all of the food and power and extra units needed for survival, because there are too many people that need too many things. This next year i hope we will have things more organized with more trustworthy leaders running our house of commons who can actually bring about our problems in our country and fix them as opposed to the last 2 years of our country where so many things have been missed and unnoticed. Let's hope this third year will be more prosporous with less deaths and laws broken 

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    Lachlan Bayne

    likes romantic dinners and long walks on the beach, also likes cuddling on a bed of roses with his chihuahua. His favourite colour is hot pink, the colour of his smart car. He loves rainbows and fairies and unicorns.


    May 2013
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