The government complains about teenagers not getting enough sleep. Several times the government has contemplated making school times start later and end later, so that students can get enough sleep to survive the day without falling asleep in every class. Every time, they drop it because they think it is the students fault for this. Yes, we have lots of time to sleep, assuming you slept right when you got home until 7:20 the next morning to get dressed for the bus ride to school, which comes at 7:30 and you get to school at 8:00. You are also expected by teachers to do lots of homework each day for each class, you also have to eat, shower, are encouraged to have some physical activity each day, and in the morning you are expected to have a nutritious breakfast which would take at least 35 minutes to make and eat, then 2-5 more to brush teeth, and whatever else you may need to do like brush your hair or put on make-up or whatever which would take another 10 minutes or so. So i think that you do not have enough time to do what is expected of you and get enough sleep (8 hours per night) to properly function each and every day.
4/1/2013 11:19:13 pm

I always get frustrated by this. As teenagers we are told to get enough sleep, but then are given hours of homework, and also told to look over our notes regularly, and then we have to make sure we wake up early enough to have a nutritious breakfast. They are setting us up for failure.

4/3/2013 02:35:08 am

Don't mean to be the negative voice here but you have 15 hours from school end to school starting up again. assuming 2 hours of homework (that's a lot) and maybe 2 hours to cook and eat. Then lets say get up and hour early for breakfast and getting ready.... that;s still 10 hours of time to sleep.... you body only need 4 a night to function 6 to be any good and 8 to be well rested. That leavs you 2 hours (may not seem like much but I mean there are times you will have more times you will have less) to do whatever else needs to be done


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    Lachlan Bayne

    likes romantic dinners and long walks on the beach, also likes cuddling on a bed of roses with his chihuahua. His favourite colour is hot pink, the colour of his smart car. He loves rainbows and fairies and unicorns.


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