Yesterday, our class started the process of creating our own virtual country. In order for this to work, we as a class need to work together to create a society that meets all the demands of a normal developing country. I think this will be a really unique and fun way to help us learn about politics, things our governments do for us, and allow us to compete with each other to become the stronger group or individual than the others. I'm really excited to start bidding on the hexes we need to start building up our country, and i hope we do well enough for a long enough time, so that everyone has fun with this and gets something good out of the experience.

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    Lachlan Bayne

    likes romantic dinners and long walks on the beach, also likes cuddling on a bed of roses with his chihuahua. His favourite colour is hot pink, the colour of his smart car. He loves rainbows and fairies and unicorns.


    May 2013
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