our simulated country has finally ended. It's near the end of the school year and we didn't have time to have another year, so we had to end it, which was good because every year a lot of people were dying and we wouldn't have lasted much longer anyways. We ran out of power for a lot of things every year except for the last year, so a lot more people died the first 4 years as opposed to the last year, but there were still deaths. I think that our country would have been so much more successful if we had made a power plant the first year, instead of powering the city center and police dept and stuff like that. I didn't win because I didn't really do a whole lot for the whole simulation so in the end I had -10 status points...

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    Lachlan Bayne

    likes romantic dinners and long walks on the beach, also likes cuddling on a bed of roses with his chihuahua. His favourite colour is hot pink, the colour of his smart car. He loves rainbows and fairies and unicorns.


    May 2013
    April 2013
    March 2013
    February 2013

